Bonjour! Voici un post sans thème apparent avec le blog, mais très important je trouve. Ca ne vous prendra pas longtemps, c'est sympa, c'est pour la bonne cause, et c'est vrai !!
Mon beau sapin is an online webcomic which has a different author each day.
Mon beau sapin is an online webcomic which has a different author each day.
All visits are recorded. And just before Christmas, Orange , partner Monbeausapin.org , pay the Red Cross French an amount proportional to the total number of visitors, to provide gifts to underprivileged children.
There is nothing to click , nothing to buy, just come and read comics, and talk around you, feel free to relay information on your sites and blogs.
And do not forget that the donation will depend on site traffic!
EDIT: The number of visitors who blew all predictions, the maximum amount provided by Orange is already reached. But that does not prevent you from going on the site! Comics are really nice (there is even an online game) and you can also donate to the Red Cross, no minimum (knowing that there were 100,000 visitors in one week, imagine if each gave a euro ...).
Enjoy! ^ ^