Hello everyone!
After this long absence, I bring you back some good news: we finally have a final release date for the special volume! It was first announced last December, then postponed to July. And then, finally, it should be out in September.

It will be slightly larger than the other volumes, but I do not know its price.
Thus says the publisher's website:
"Everything you always wanted to know about the world of Death Note but were afraid to ask!
In this volume 13, it goes from one discovery! It's actually a very comprehensive guide on all the characters - the main like those that appear on some pages - the founding events of the story and the various intrigues developed throughout the series. All secrets will be revealed at last!
See also, in exceptional bonus, the map reveals the real name of L and an unpublished 60-page story with the first version of the plot devised by the authors. Indispensable! "
Il parraitrait aussi que ce tomme contiendrait un épisode inédit de l'anime ...Dans tous les cas, toi, fan de Death Note, tu te dois de posséder cet objet !