My apologies to Veronica ...
There was an error page and it had not been included in the previous post.
Take the time to go see it, it's worth the trip! :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Headscissor Pain Answers
why do we talk more and more governance documentary? WELCOME TO THE SYMPOSIUM II
A survey of 250 organizations on governance literature was conducted by serdaLAB , laboratory studies of group Serda, on the occasion of Documation 2011, January and February 2011. Here are the first visible results, demonstrative, unambiguous!
A document governance (1) is essential today for the first three leading causes (70%, 64% and finally 35%) than respondents plébiscitent: a documentary volume that believes and n is more manageable, scattered information sources (databases, internal social networks (tweet, facebook, Viadeo, messaging, sms, web, etc.. often unrelated or homogeneous format) and finally the time lost searching for information.
In contrast (but on reflection it significant already!) 11% of respondents classified as innovators, have already applied on a global governance literature in their business. 36% l have applied [only] on a sectoral basis.
For those who do not, 21% have a short- term (2011-2012) and 32% have no plans in this area.
A small majority (44%) of respondents believe that to answer these three reasons, it is essential to establish a comprehensive documentary governance as part of a strategy d business for the organization of information .
(1) Governance documentary is a very broad concept that serdaLAB defined as " strategy and organization in place to manage, secure, share, preserve, develop and manage information and knowledge within an organization and its external environment to improve efficiency .
A document governance (1) is essential today for the first three leading causes (70%, 64% and finally 35%) than respondents plébiscitent: a documentary volume that believes and n is more manageable, scattered information sources (databases, internal social networks (tweet, facebook, Viadeo, messaging, sms, web, etc.. often unrelated or homogeneous format) and finally the time lost searching for information.
In contrast (but on reflection it significant already!) 11% of respondents classified as innovators, have already applied on a global governance literature in their business. 36% l have applied [only] on a sectoral basis.
For those who do not, 21% have a short- term (2011-2012) and 32% have no plans in this area.
A small majority (44%) of respondents believe that to answer these three reasons, it is essential to establish a comprehensive documentary governance as part of a strategy d business for the organization of information .
(1) Governance documentary is a very broad concept that serdaLAB defined as " strategy and organization in place to manage, secure, share, preserve, develop and manage information and knowledge within an organization and its external environment to improve efficiency .
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Son Let Me Touch His
"And our unworthiness this immutable mass" chicken-salad sandwich
Can indignant with dignity? If I ask this not only to be clever, but because it arises. In an interview given to flagship site of thought worthy or unworthy, we do not know, I mean, Rue 89, Stephane Hessel is blandly linked dignity and indignation, as if the bottom one and the Both were equal: in some circumstances, remain worthy, it would show an outrage. He cites in support of this bold assertion declaration of human rights, that men are at birth equal in dignity and rights. If I can by passing a mild criticism of our most sacred texts, it seems odd to me, this story of innate dignity of humanity. Because at birth, naked, all red and viscous while we are "worthy" of anything, that is to say that we deserve nothing. What we are is granted by virtue of rights may be, but most of what our seniors are willing to do for us who are small at birth beings fragile and helpless, without any dignity as never having because of our ten little fingers clenched to deserve anything either. Say that a newborn deserves something when he spends his time bawling is erected in the howling cardinal virtue, and that's how we end up with Celine Dion in the hit parades.
Good joking aside unworthy of our respect. If it still gives any value within the meaning of words, it seems difficult to put an equal sign between dignity and indignation because the outrage is the process by which one passes dignity to the indignity. Worthy cause, that is to say in Latin, means both deserving, and reserved, serious, that is to say the exact opposite of the one who gets angry over nothing, going up on his high horse at the slightest provocation, short of one who was indignant for a yes or a right instead of left. That we can put an equal sign between dignity and indignation reminds darkest hours of our history, when we talked of freedom at the entrance of the death camps. Yes, I know, I'm kidding. I godwinise thoroughly. A bit like Hessel, whatever.
I know is unworthy, once again. But the indignity for a Catholic is his bread, if not daily, at least weekly: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed. "
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Does Imovie Have Magic Imovie
SERDA SORBONNE-February 10 next
I am pleased to announce the second edition of the Symposium-SERDA SORBONNE whose topic: "Categorize - limit orders, disorder limits.
Again, Groupe Serda through his laboratory studies and prospective serdaLAB and in collaboration with the University La Sorbonne Paris IV, worked to develop a pervasive theme in the lives of professionals and Memory of Knowledge and transcend through the intervention of experts (sometimes very unexpected!) of business world, academia and science.
This conference takes place during a half-day form of two round tables, punctuated interventions original and offbeat.
This conference takes place during a half-day form of two round tables, punctuated interventions original and offbeat.
This year participants in the Symposium SERDA-SORBONNE will be invited to celebrate 25 years Group Serda-Archimag to during a cocktail reception to be held following the symposium.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Was Nick Ashford Gay?
records management, archives and jasmine revolution
The events in Tunisia are political, social and also economic. Archivists tunisia react. At the initiative of Ghariani Chaker, professor at the Higher Institute of Documentation and relayed by Bannouri Rabii, citizen, academic and former president of the Association of Public Archives of Tunisia (AGAT) an appeal titled "Let's save our memory, Save our archives! " was launched.
Chaker Ghariani calls all archivists Tunisian "to protect critical and sensitive documents (documents of major tenders, policy decisions, minutes and proceedings of the decision-making bodies, AG, CA, records offices, senior departmental committees and meetings of directors, ... deliberations of municipal councils and regional councils ....). The appeal states that it is simply and fully implement the law on archives. It is therefore, under this law to "immediately clear and require that records of the offices of ministers, cabinets, secretaries general, CEOs of public companies are identified and especially those proscribed or maturing as retention schedules, and are immediately transferred to the archives intermediaries ".
we know, the upheavals of all time threaten the integrity of holdings for many reasons: the holdings are metaphors of entities that have produced these documents and information, are also evidence that it is useful to see too often disappear timely. Sometimes there is a lack of chance: the documentation has been accidentally destroyed altogether. That is why the community Archivists Tunisian mobilizes to preserve the heritage and current funds for history and for the continued functioning of the state and country.
thank them!
PS: The site Facebook has been opened in this regard: MANAGERS OF DOCUMENTS TO GUARANTEE THE MEMORY OF THE REVOLUTION
Chaker Ghariani calls all archivists Tunisian "to protect critical and sensitive documents (documents of major tenders, policy decisions, minutes and proceedings of the decision-making bodies, AG, CA, records offices, senior departmental committees and meetings of directors, ... deliberations of municipal councils and regional councils ....). The appeal states that it is simply and fully implement the law on archives. It is therefore, under this law to "immediately clear and require that records of the offices of ministers, cabinets, secretaries general, CEOs of public companies are identified and especially those proscribed or maturing as retention schedules, and are immediately transferred to the archives intermediaries ".
we know, the upheavals of all time threaten the integrity of holdings for many reasons: the holdings are metaphors of entities that have produced these documents and information, are also evidence that it is useful to see too often disappear timely. Sometimes there is a lack of chance: the documentation has been accidentally destroyed altogether. That is why the community Archivists Tunisian mobilizes to preserve the heritage and current funds for history and for the continued functioning of the state and country.
thank them!
PS: The site Facebook has been opened in this regard: MANAGERS OF DOCUMENTS TO GUARANTEE THE MEMORY OF THE REVOLUTION
Rubbermaid Drainer 8354
Curation, Curator, a practice watchman or a new job?
The attorney or "the chief editor participatory " as the article is titled Guillaume Decugis, director Goojet published on the site
To overcome the fragmentation and the overflow data web, there are search engines like Google to algorithms. Powerful but not always very clear on the rules of these algorithms are constantly changing.
There are also tools like twitter that create, through the operation of the social network alerts converging information.
Some attribute this to the automation and collaborative networks, the crisis in the documentary skills whose expertise is precisely the categorization and the development of scattered data, multifaceted and complex. It is precisely here that the "CONTENT curator" seems to emerge. YES, we need of "curative" (conservation, development ... the French translation is still relevant because it would betray the meaning immediately). The curator, as quoted William, is "someone who continually finds, gathers, organizes and sharing content online, the best and most relevant to a specific topic" (1).
Whether it is a professional curator, a group of professionals, community, or people in social network, there are indeed still need information editorialized that, therefore, makes sense and provides value-added data . Question
not yet decided: curator is it a fad whose concept is already death? Is it fundamentally different from intelligence activities, indexing and publishing of our business?
Partly yes, but the "writing head participatory" is it, specifically, it is noteworthy and probably add to the skills of our documentary skills.
See also tools associated with the activity of Curation as Pearltrees, or Storify
Stay tuned!
(1) The name I Would Give It Is Content Curator. IS A Content Curator Finds Someone Who Continually, groups, Organizations and Share the best and MOST is happy there online Specific Issue. Rohit Bhargava
To overcome the fragmentation and the overflow data web, there are search engines like Google to algorithms. Powerful but not always very clear on the rules of these algorithms are constantly changing.
There are also tools like twitter that create, through the operation of the social network alerts converging information.
Some attribute this to the automation and collaborative networks, the crisis in the documentary skills whose expertise is precisely the categorization and the development of scattered data, multifaceted and complex. It is precisely here that the "CONTENT curator" seems to emerge. YES, we need of "curative" (conservation, development ... the French translation is still relevant because it would betray the meaning immediately). The curator, as quoted William, is "someone who continually finds, gathers, organizes and sharing content online, the best and most relevant to a specific topic" (1).
Whether it is a professional curator, a group of professionals, community, or people in social network, there are indeed still need information editorialized that, therefore, makes sense and provides value-added data . Question
not yet decided: curator is it a fad whose concept is already death? Is it fundamentally different from intelligence activities, indexing and publishing of our business?
Partly yes, but the "writing head participatory" is it, specifically, it is noteworthy and probably add to the skills of our documentary skills.
See also tools associated with the activity of Curation as Pearltrees, or Storify
Stay tuned!
(1) The name I Would Give It Is Content Curator. IS A Content Curator Finds Someone Who Continually, groups, Organizations and Share the best and MOST is happy there online Specific Issue. Rohit Bhargava
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What Is A Sportscenter Anchor Salary
three euros fifty
![]() |
A tall and slender tail precedes me in this little neighborhood bakery where I have my habits. As each day at lunchtime, the sandwiches carefully prepared to feed the crowd of computer users who populate the offices and homes around a large pile in heaps. An unpleasant image comes to me. Those that materializes before me people who are for these sandwiches. I suddenly see dozens of pieces of work, trying to chew, then pulling his hands on sandwiches, and then vents back to work. In a placid ruminant irritating everyone seems certain to finish his snack and no one disputes him. To each according to his needs. No predator is visible nervousness, no aggressive scavenger. This is the calm of cattle grazing on a vast prairie. Everyone is sure it is right to be there, his mouth full, sated gaze.
The image disappears when I hear my fellow baker challenge. And Sir, what will it be? I realize that "Sir" has sores' uniform: big frame glasses, plastic black stubble, suit thoroughly neglected. I have almost the same even if I felt I still lack a je ne sais quoi to really make the club. In a tone barely polite, now he calls a "chicken-salad, a tart-lemon and a bottle of San Pellegrino 50cl. At which point it goes without saying that he will get what he wants is what I heard in the tone a bit too high, both distant and perky it adopts to demand its due. We feel the type used to control, if not others, at least lunch. A breath of hatred that seems perfectly irrational over me. I will try later to understand it: now. The type then pulls from his pocket a ten euro note and fearless seized without haste that the craftsman behind him: money and victuals.
This man, probably unable to do anything with his hands, if not shoot a chicken-salad sandwich and tapping on his computer, spell satisfied, no aware "of the somersault, not merchandise, but the currency in which the caller has made during this small transaction. Is it really true, this anonymous Parisian, he will always get - against a few thousand euros that accumulates each month through occupation of a cold abstraction that has no link with the chicken, carrots and he will eat bread without thinking, something to eat, enough clothing, enough to stay, and what to take care of his hypothetical family?
is the source, perhaps, of our current malaise. Marx described in Capital "the flip of the goods" that is social work where the worker is dedicated to making a property which he is not sure he sells. I think the reverse is true today with the Euro disembodied which serves as our currency. The somersault is one who accepts these "euro" that performs. Both sides of the note he waved in the direction of the craftsman and early to rise later lying alone are expected to do doubt the possibility of gas to get what he requires so quietly. On the one hand, a kind of arch that looks vaguely like a portal of a Romanesque church, but a portal into the great void. The other a stone bridge too vaguely Roman who was placed there, there arbitrarily, between nothing and nothing. The pure gesture of openness. Impossible not to see an act in breach of the founders of the single currency. The old gates are more portals portals church but only in itself, which exist for themselves, that is to say nothing, put there in weightlessness. Portals open on the empty bridge connecting the zero undefined. "Monuments for a virtual virtual Europe," said Debray. What is that currency backed in anything that is Europe today? And what we ourselves are deeply disembodied beings, entirely turned to the screens, digitized, free from any form of reality other than our evacuation by the emergency exit of technology away from the old world too big and there.
But let's not forget too quickly that we exist by this "chicken-salad sandwich" swallowed every day without thinking. Imagine it does only what its manufacture requires practical know-how, cooperation between human beings, and presence in the world to get to our mouths? No, because more and more the "production process" dissolve into an abstraction that takes them away from those who believe and those who execute them. No, because the recognition of our dependence on the work of others ruin the positive image that capitalism has built ourselves, "consumers" demanding and informed, with our "purchasing power "And our" consciousness of citizens "to influence how the world works. A fiction that would be deeply comical if it were less harmful. This immense symbolic dispossession could we turn a day of placid cattle carnivores that we are now in fierce scavengers that we argue about the corpse of a world in which we have no control over.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Can Dogs Spread Impetigo
Wishes 2011 with the rabbit ears, fatigue koala, inattention and neglect of the monks of Attila
Si, Si, Si-r G. William, 10th Governor of Hong Kong (1903), presents his wishes ... and that even his name!
Beyond the blink of an eye, I invite you to discover by downloading the four syndromes that must be avoided to govern peacefully in 2011 his memory and knowledge. As well tell you: I really like syndrome monks ... chastity that mirror for years ... I love the koala, which tires to learn without hard, I must say that the rabbit ears and long stellate make me think of a recent episode signed an intelligence located west of France and, finally, I remind qu'Atilla was both a man of letters surrounded by scholars an organic weed killer.
THEN download here four syndromes Memory & Know
Best Wishes of good health, motivating and exciting projects, meetings and exchanges and discoveries and innovations.
Beyond the blink of an eye, I invite you to discover by downloading the four syndromes that must be avoided to govern peacefully in 2011 his memory and knowledge. As well tell you: I really like syndrome monks ... chastity that mirror for years ... I love the koala, which tires to learn without hard, I must say that the rabbit ears and long stellate make me think of a recent episode signed an intelligence located west of France and, finally, I remind qu'Atilla was both a man of letters surrounded by scholars an organic weed killer.
THEN download here four syndromes Memory & Know
Best Wishes of good health, motivating and exciting projects, meetings and exchanges and discoveries and innovations.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Protein Mucus Blood In Urine
My God let me see
My God let me see that my disgust
What I see
Your Creation in its splendor
Was given for our joy
What I see
Your Creation in its splendor
Was given for our joy
long been an insect
Walk in my head is that I plan to exterminate
For all technical means available to me
By My mind my hypermarket
me away in the clouds Away from the tiny souls
In an assumption diabolical
My flesh is pale and
damaged by the old sin of Adam
The planned disappearance of your Creation
I, too, the Today I finally wanted
shame I blushed forehead
It fills me
a bitter regret is not knowing love
And not knowing how to admire
In their fragility
The humble ant, cockroach and the contemptible worm ridiculous
Who are their secret paths
who swarm in the dark glow of the Who
civilization swarm and crawl
Who eat the old flesh In the August
animals that harm the dignity
From what is
From what we
Walk in my head is that I plan to exterminate
For all technical means available to me
By My mind my hypermarket
me away in the clouds Away from the tiny souls
In an assumption diabolical
My flesh is pale and
damaged by the old sin of Adam
The planned disappearance of your Creation
I, too, the Today I finally wanted
shame I blushed forehead
It fills me
a bitter regret is not knowing love
And not knowing how to admire
In their fragility
The humble ant, cockroach and the contemptible worm ridiculous
Who are their secret paths
who swarm in the dark glow of the Who
civilization swarm and crawl
Who eat the old flesh In the August
animals that harm the dignity
From what is
From what we
My disgust is an exact measure
From extent of my inability
And my inability to celebrate
The beauty of what You wanted
From extent of my inability
And my inability to celebrate
The beauty of what You wanted
All humanity disgusted
Of itself and what is
Find a shelter in the Internet
She chose to leave the Incarnation
Seeing life as a virus it must be exterminated
For security
In Creating an inlaid ms'est
Like a love subverted
Declared public
Eucharist mandatory
Love Official inlaid in Creation
Like apple core
In our shell technology Creating
became a hideous spectacle
D'horror and pornography
Orgy World consumption goods
The world consumes
Cremation itself subverted
The body
And not one sin is the divine fire
Maintained by the devil
Creation / cremation
J ' m / lovin not
The pun is our access to world
Gradient and obscene
Away from your true love
Of itself and what is
Find a shelter in the Internet
She chose to leave the Incarnation
Seeing life as a virus it must be exterminated
For security
In Creating an inlaid ms'est
Like a love subverted
Declared public
Eucharist mandatory
Love Official inlaid in Creation
Like apple core
In our shell technology Creating
became a hideous spectacle
D'horror and pornography
Orgy World consumption goods
The world consumes
Cremation itself subverted
The body
And not one sin is the divine fire
Maintained by the devil
Creation / cremation
J ' m / lovin not
The pun is our access to world
Gradient and obscene
Away from your true love
My God, if my death is near
If my body is so heavy
With so light
S ' there is already dust before returning
Hear me And let me hear and see
Your creatures
If my body is so heavy
With so light
S ' there is already dust before returning
Hear me And let me hear and see
Your creatures
And Sainte Marie
Sweet mother of one who
All flesh must return
Make that my light is given
Me What I did not know deserve
By my virtue and flickering my fragile works
By my prayer discordant
Grace infinite
your Son Makes me use real
From each of my senses
The sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch
order here below I rent as I'm the eternal splendor
From Creation
Sweet mother of one who
All flesh must return
Make that my light is given
Me What I did not know deserve
By my virtue and flickering my fragile works
By my prayer discordant
Grace infinite
your Son Makes me use real
From each of my senses
The sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch
order here below I rent as I'm the eternal splendor
From Creation
Friday, January 7, 2011
Is A Bmi Of 12 Good For A Woman
Page Wonder ...
When you take a page from one of my sketches, send me a link that directs me to your page and will be p-ê- you featured on the blog! :)
When you take a page from one of my sketches, send me a link that directs me to your page and will be p-ê- you featured on the blog! :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
How Modify Orbit Car Starter
The black shadow of paternity
About Sukkwan Island, David Vann.
Questioning crossing Sukkwan Island, the fascinating and too-brief first novel by David Vann is a biblical simplicity: what is that a father?
Roy leaves his family (mother, sister) to join his divorced father (divorced mother of Roy, then separated from his second wife) and live with him in a cabin on a remote island in southern Alaska. For a year they will be alone on the island, drawing from the nature that surrounds their resources. Overall, on a footing of perfect equality, the father and son try to survive in extreme conditions of isolation. The real isolation, which indicates that the solitary life on an island far from civilization, is also a symbolic isolation: it is the concrete world and banal Roy-that of women and friends, society of all days of daily life that has no need for a father to proceed normally - that is put at a distance by the sudden opening of a parenthesis in his life. This parenthesis that the son chooses to live (the son must choose to live, according to the iron law of the mother) must permit the establishment of a sustainable relationship between son and father. This is the new law of the world outside the will of the child-king, the father as a father does not exist. He is like created in his paternity by the will of the son.
the center of the world, mother and son on the sidelines of the world, isolated the world, the father. The centrality of his fallen father, father superfluous, father marginal. That father is eternally sorry and sorry to be eternally sorry. Its existence is an eternal contrition, penance and unbearable eternal eyes enraged son. That father does not protect anything, it is the same concern: it pierces the roof blows Magnum. 44, collapsed in setting them on fire, disappears abruptly at the bend of a steep path ... In the world after the father is the only son who has to justify the father. Forsaken the concrete world of women, the father is no longer dependent to attest to the reality of his existence than the eye and the approval of the son. The man himself is nothing: so that the father described his son to the human condition. "Listen," said her father. Man is an appendage of the woman. The woman is right, it does not need humans. But man needs her. Then she decides. That is why the rules are meaningless and they change constantly. We do not draw together. I'm not sure this is true, said Roy. "
In a few sentences, the paradox infernal world of ours. The father described his own downfall, but it does so by pretending to convince his son. He wants so that his word is authoritative while in essence it denies the authority. Similarly, the father puts women in positions of authority, while denying that women are intelligible rules. The son is caught in a deadly double bind. In both cases, the authority it would need so much is being undermined at the base. "I'm not sure that's true." The wonderful ambiguity of this phrase gives the full extent of disarray of the son. It gives reason or contradict the father, the son did not come out of a vicious circle. The father gives his reasons, but the son makes his final ruling, which has the ultimate legitimacy to judge the validity of the father's word. This legitimacy is too heavy to wear for the frail shoulders of the son. Give the father because it would restore all together and fall from his authority. Contradict him, it would also deny and assert the authority of the father in the same movement. The undecidability of the horizon is the only son. How to get out? By Decision (from Latin meaning decidere cut, slice) the most radical.
Thinking about my own father disappeared, the sweetness of his voice that I heard so little during his lifetime, nothing seems more shocking than this formatting romantic fragility of the father figure. This fragility is paradoxically still weighing unbearable burden on the shoulders of the son. They will not support ... because logically perspective as black, the only thing that is passed between father and son's disappearance, the evanescence of both their relationship and their respective presence to one another: the voluntary death. Suicide as the only object of transmission, this is the ultimate paradox of this novel. How not to see that the suicide of the father is the very negation of the possibility of transmission, the possibility that meaning is given to the son (and the world) by the father. And it is this very denial that became the subject of the transmission. But chose to disappear instead of his father, the son also suddenly gives the opportunity to father a time to exist in itself, apart from the possible justification by the son. By the way: the death of the son as the possibility of meaning, is of course the eternal drama of the Western stage (the "good news"), a possibility which appears here offset by the absence of hypothesis of the Resurrection. It is remains that this "withdrawal" of the son, is the creative act by which the ego of the child-Roy fades abruptly to give way (to give birth?) to the author, that is to say very specifically to hear and give voice to the father in him. This attempt to give a real presence in the dark shadow of his father, a father of evanescent after paternity, a father who is thereby suddenly choked lifeless body of his son, summarizes the efforts of this light novel dark.
That exactly describes the following passage, which in my humble opinion of father and son, the passage most shocking and most just of the novel, the which best describes the condition of the son of modernity.
"They went towards the peak, again exposed to the wind. Roy struggled to keep pace with his father and not be separated from him. He knew that if he lost sight of the space of a minute, his father would not hear it crying, he might get lost and never find the way to the hut. Observing the dark shadow that moved before him, he realized that it was precisely the impression he had been too long, that his father was a form curtain and look away as if for a moment, if he forgot or did not work at full speed, if he had no desire to have him there beside her, then her father disappears, as if his presence was up to the will of Roy. Roy was more scared and tired, he felt no longer able to continue and he began to feel sorry for herself, to repeat: I can not stand it. When his father finally stopped, Roy knocked on his back. "
ago in the last sentence of this passage a darkly comic aspect: the black shadow, this form seems immaterial what he became the father paperless with fears that it escapes us at every moment, which we believe hold the ghostly existence our hands tired, here, suddenly you bump against it ... It seems that most evanescent and most inaccessible becomes the nearest obstacle. And ultimately, which constantly eluded us becomes the most immediate model for our actions over the final, most personal.
The evanescent figure of Roy's father is the exact opposite of the crushing of the father figure of Kafka (for example) in his notorious father Letter, father whose vast body is said to be stifling for bullied son ("I thin, puny, narrow you, strong, tall, wide). I do not mean of course the wonderful novels of Kafka, but only to its child and influential Letter to Father therefore, the more likely it is influential infant letter that Kafka had of course fortunately not to publish well thought out, and in which the son it takes a balloon that has inflated itself, that of a fantasy all-powerful father figure. This monstrous figure of the father was present all the beautiful signs of materiality most obvious (the father and eats plenty loud, terrified son before deploying his huge body), it is nevertheless a figure ressentimentale omnipotent father, a Furthermore sip of vacuum that the novels of Kafka conscientiously will empty, while father and ghostly romantic Sukkwan Island eventually the contrary, by presenting the appearance of a body against which the body of the son bangs. Miracle the novel: the era spraying of the father, it finally becomes incarnate.
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