Monday, February 14, 2011

My Son Let Me Touch His

"And our unworthiness this immutable mass" chicken-salad sandwich

Can indignant with dignity? If I ask this not only to be clever, but because it arises. In an interview given to flagship site of thought worthy or unworthy, we do not know, I mean, Rue 89, Stephane Hessel is blandly linked dignity and indignation, as if the bottom one and the Both were equal: in some circumstances, remain worthy, it would show an outrage. He cites in support of this bold assertion declaration of human rights, that men are at birth equal in dignity and rights. If I can by passing a mild criticism of our most sacred texts, it seems odd to me, this story of innate dignity of humanity. Because at birth, naked, all red and viscous while we are "worthy" of anything, that is to say that we deserve nothing. What we are is granted by virtue of rights may be, but most of what our seniors are willing to do for us who are small at birth beings fragile and helpless, without any dignity as never having because of our ten little fingers clenched to deserve anything either. Say that a newborn deserves something when he spends his time bawling is erected in the howling cardinal virtue, and that's how we end up with Celine Dion in the hit parades.

Good joking aside unworthy of our respect. If it still gives any value within the meaning of words, it seems difficult to put an equal sign between dignity and indignation because the outrage is the process by which one passes dignity to the indignity. Worthy cause, that is to say in Latin, means both deserving, and reserved, serious, that is to say the exact opposite of the one who gets angry over nothing, going up on his high horse at the slightest provocation, short of one who was indignant for a yes or a right instead of left. That we can put an equal sign between dignity and indignation reminds darkest hours of our history, when we talked of freedom at the entrance of the death camps. Yes, I know, I'm kidding. I godwinise thoroughly. A bit like Hessel, whatever.

I know is unworthy, once again. But the indignity for a Catholic is his bread, if not daily, at least weekly: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed. "


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