HR and figures: drift or evolution necessary More and more often, it is possible to read articles about the drift of Human Resources to the figures. But do we really speak of drift rather than evolution necessary to face new challenges? In addition, other questions come immediately to mind: Can we measure everything? Can we really make predictions? This numbers game, it would not affect team cohesion?
is to all these questions we will try to answer throughout the following pages.
Human resources and numbers, drift or evolution?
In recent years, accordance with the contingency theory (1), Human Resources, like all other directions, had to adapt to external influences that became more and more intense:
- Social Influences:
The people who make up the structures have profiles more and more diversified. Indeed, if once they all had the same route, as is the case today. Thus we can find people of different nationalities, people with more or less uneven course, people in CDI, CDD others, learning ... ; Besides different generations who are at the same hierarchical level due to lower levels. This has caused friction that HR had to learn to manage.
- Political Influences:
Gradually the unions have certainly lost their influence, but other associations have emerged to denounce the discrimination that exist in our society (discrimination based on ethnicity or his place of residence, discrimination based on qualifications, discrimination against older ..). To answer these attacks, the company, through the Human Resources Directors, have caused for example by setting up of codes of good conduct.
- Economic Influences:
Due to competition from increasingly intense as and when the internationalization of trade, enterprises are forced to lead a race for productivity as well as 'innovation. To do this, HR must ensure that all means are used to stimulate the involvement of all employees, wherever they lie in the organization.
- Cultural Influences:
Having seen their parents lose their jobs as they had invested for years within the same organization, young people no longer necessarily the same look towards -à-vis the world of business. Moreover, the advent of new technologies seem to have changed the behavior of Generation Y. Indeed, having access to information more quickly than their elders, learning to communicate early on in the community, they are much closer knit. The Human Resources will likely develop new methods for their loyalty.
Finally, as noted above, because of the globalization of trade more and more employees from different cultures work together. However, according to their culture of origin, individuals have sensitivities and hence different behavior. This necessitated the establishment of a multicultural management style.
- Technological Influences:
Due to the development of increasingly rapid knowledge on the one hand, and technology other hand, HR managers must constantly ensure the balance between the level of qualifications and staffing levels required for the survival of their business. Now, as the graph below (2), several situations may arise:
Situation 5 is the optimum . At this level the quality and quantity equilibrium is reached.
In grades 3, 6 and 9 we are overstaffed.
levels 1, 4 and 7 the needs of the structure can not be met for various reasons (rare qualifications, sector unattractive, low pay, rapid growth, many leaving ...). We meet
situations 1, 2 and 3 most often in areas where technologies are evolving rapidly and the educational system has not sufficiently taken into account.
Finally, situations 7, 8 and 9, quite rare, are those of average skill too high (recruiting high-level departure of unskilled ...).
To meet this double bind, it is essential establish an effective GPEC to determine the number of individuals per station which will be indispensable in the coming years and the training that each employee will need to follow to keep pace as their structure.
- Regulatory Influences:
Whether under the influence of Europe or not, more and more laws are upsetting the field of Human Resources. For example, right now, facing pressure from the state, enterprises must by January next year to sign agreements on work stress. Presumably new monitoring indicators will be in place at enterprise level.
- Ecological Influences:
In a world that is becoming aware of the limits of available resources, organizations, whatever, have a vital role to play. Indeed, contrary to initial beliefs, man developed his thinking and his behavior as a function of its interactions with the different groups he meets:
"The old psychology WAS based On The isolated individual" as The Unit, On The Assumption That a Man Thinks, Feels and judges Independently. Now That We Know That There Is No Such Thing as A Separate ego, That Individuals are created by Reciprocal Interplay, o Whole study of psychology IS Being Transformed (3).
So it will probably be necessary to put the individual at the center of their concerns and propose values actually experienced in their professional world so that it can be fully realized.
- Demographic Influences:
Throughout his life, a person follows a cycle of life (4) that some authors have divided into five periods, while three others:
But gradually, the baby boomers reach when they emphasize the preparation of their future pension at the expense of their professional involvement.
Given all the influences listed above, heads of HR must now develop policies that take account of future developments, including through the GPEC, while managing the present one hand and optimize internal processes while addressing the best employees on the other. 5
To meet these new constraints, it has emerged in recent years, particularly in companies with more five hundred employees, a new person in charge to have a look at the indicators for monitoring and simulations needed to achieve the implementation of new strategies: the Social Management Controller.
Can we estimate all?
If within an organization some information is easily accessible, others are less so: the hidden costs that can greatly affect the results of the company. According INSEOR they are the result of dysfunction and would be divided into two components: (6)
- ON CHARGES : extra pay (time spent by a people hold a better-paying jobs in an activity that he is not given), overtime (time spent in the regulation of a malfunction), binge (quantity of products consumed in addition to regulating the dysfunction).
- NO PRODUCTS : no production (or production loss of activity caused by the malfunction), not creating potential strategic (performance lagged because of current problems), risks.
To calculate them, the Institute recommends the method SOF (Social, organizational, financial) (7):
Can we really make reliable predictions?
As far as we can go down in history, humans have always wanted to predict its future. However, as shown by Henri POINCARE, if it is relatively easy to model the trajectory of an object alone, however it becomes increasingly difficult to do so as and when new ones appear. Now we find ourselves in a changing world where random events are unpredictable and therefore can not follow the Gaussian Yet the foundation of all our forecasting models, occur frequently. (8)
However, we can, thanks to reliable statistics, seek to understand the elements inside the company to develop targeted and therefore effective: Data Mining.
example, suppose that a company has established a grid of support for cultural trips for children of employees (Class Green Travel Language ..) based on the level of their tax home. The Head of Human Resources hopes to one day revisit this policy. Unable to use the tax notice (The information that is not computerized due to the CNIL), he decided to conduct its study from the fee schedule restaurant. However, this hypothesis is it statistically valid? To answer this question, it will use the law of the Chi-square.
Now imagine that the head of Human Resources has been an increase in voluntary separation of its business. Wishing to reverse this negative trend for the organization forward, it plans to implement a policy to retain employees. While it might just make a simple statistical study based on the database, but then he would only simplistic view of individuals. However, they are multidimensional (they are characterized by their age, their sex, their qualifications, seniority ...). Therefore it would make sense that it uses a multivariate statistical method (factor analysis of multiple components, for example).
But these figures do not they risk breaking the internal cohesion?
The indicators reflect the policy actually implemented by those responsible.
Thus, when a company is exclusively focused the economic performance of individual or collective, all indicators have a role: measuring the performance achieved (number of files processed per hour, many people received in one day ...): this doing it may destroy the internal cohesion pushing his teams to the competition.
However, it could minimize the impact of financial goals on the behavior of employees if it included other indicators such as the quality of internal processes, quality relationships with internal customers to the company. .. For that it has the Balanced Scorecard developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton (9):
Thus, as we have seen previously, the development of the analysis of numerical data within the Human Resources reflects more a change in his role that derives from him.
Also contrary to popular belief, the consistency that is supposed to prevail in an organization depend more on the culture of the latter, symbolized by the choice of monitoring indicators established according to policies decided by the officials, that the mass of data used.
Indeed, given the complexity of the world in which every organization must evolve in the future on the one hand, given the strategy likely endorse the use of finer mass Information available to respond to structures on the other hand, the Controller will likely Social strengthened its role.
It will very certainly, in addition to his work as an analyst, take responsibility for advising or expert in order to use statistical methods to increasingly complex, only able to "emerge from the data matrix the pure diamond of the true nature. "(i)
Unless, preferring to pursue the simple monitoring of indicators, he decides to delegate this part of the Senior Human Resource Studies.
Patrice Eyraud