Friday, December 17, 2010

Do Feminine Pads Cause Rashes

A new tool for identifying sources of stress at work

The many suicides in major French companies have brought to light the evil of the twenty-first century: the stress travail.La latest survey by the Observatoire de la Vie Work (Ovation) paints a bitter finding. In 2010, stress has been gaining ground in enterprises. 65% of 6700 employees surveyed say they are very vulnerable to stress. A figure up 10 points compared to 2009.

Prevention of psychosocial risks became not only an obligation Legal for many companies, but also an ethical obligation for all to preserve the human capital of the company. Preventing stress in the workplace is, first, identify the sources, the factors that generate ill-being at work. A professional malaise that has a significant cost: health expenditures, absenteeism, reduced performance and productivity.
To help companies identify the sources of stress for their employees, Central Test, editor of online psychometric tests, developed a new tool HR: Profile e-Stress .
Recommended for internal evaluations, annual reviews or audits of teams, e-Stress Profile helps identify key factors causing stress at work and provides specific advice to employees.
Composed of 55 questions presented as scenarios, the test analyzes 11 factors identified as sources of stress at work. These factors are grouped into three categories:
1 - Factors related to workplace relationships : relationships with colleagues, relationships with superiors, lack of recognition.
2 - Factors related to the work context : work environment, instability of employment, business ethics.
3 - Factors related to the content of the work involved : workload, lack of stimulation and job performance, lack of clarity of tasks and objectives, responsibilities, changing methods work.
Numerous studies now allow a better vision of the impact of stress in the workplace.

Perceived as an imbalance between perceived stressors and response to fight against these factors, stress can be expressed in many forms in different individuals: lack of motivation, insomnia, impaired attention, eating disorders, but also coronary heart disease, headaches, depression ... When stress pierces
individual vulnerabilities and attacks the well-being is at the source must be sought to make remedies.
For businesses, it all starts with a genuine desire agreeing to call into question the functioning of their organization. Examine changes in the organization and implement individual and group assessments are conditions sine qua non plan for effective prevention.
Absenteeism is it increasing, complaints from employees they still involve the same service, the turn-over there tend to rise ...? All of which must be inventoried, maintained and regularly measured.

These observations can then be supplemented and enriched through implemented on a regular basis, individual interviews or group as well as questionnaires on working conditions, burnout and job satisfaction.


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