Originally commissioned by investors keen to get involved in SRI (Socially Responsible Investment), these agencies also operate now on the market "solicited ratings" in this case applying companies as a note their CSR, which is now a strategic dimension, covering all fields, including Human Resources ...
This rating HR is part of a fundamental trend: transparency, accountability need (NRE, social audit, annual report ...), development the metric and the benchmark. HR is not the case of the company and all relevant stakeholders, their voices are needed in some way by these external stakeholders who evaluate corporations. Should we complain?
From my point of view, taking into account these "constraints" is essential because it contributes greatly to increased professionalism of HR. A long position taken when I was in 2004 contributed to the writing of a book ("Guide to the global performance", Editions d'Organisation) in collaboration with pioneers in France on the theme: Dubigeon Olivier, Elisabeth Laville and Geneviève Ferone.
Sophie Thiery, Director of Enterprise and Vigeo Pascal Bello, Managing Director of BMJ Ratings, agreed to explain their activities within companies on HR, and even more specifically, during the recruitment process. We thank them.
The non-financial rating encompasses the entire field of Human Resources
Vigeo discusses the company-employee-applicants in two main sequences' Resources People "and" Fundamental Rights of employees. " The sequence called "Human Resources" covers the following fields:
1 / quality of employment conditions
- Quality Systems salaries and benefits
- quality of social protection
2 / Management of employment and skills
- Management employment and mobility
- Skills Development and Employability
- Managing restructuring
3 / Quality of working conditions
- Protection of safety and health
- Respect and management of working time
4 / Industrial Relations and Social
- Promotion of employee participation
- Promotion of social dialogue
Another great sequence called "Fundamental Rights" include key non-discrimination:
- Preventing discrimination and promoting of equality between men and women
- Preventing discrimination and promoting equality for vulnerable groups (elderly, minorities, disability, religion, sexual orientation etc.).
BMJ Ratings investigates the following criteria:
1 / Social Cohesion
- Workforce Diversity
- quality of social dialogue
- HR Internal Communication
2 / Human Capital Management
- Learning and development
- Mobility and career management
- Knowledge management
3 / Contributions socioeconomic
- Compensation and Benefits
- Employee Participation
4 / Working conditions and reconciliation of time
- Safety and Health
- time arrangements work
Added to this, a governance assessment of the HR business, on principles of fairness and transparency.
What about recruiting?
In the area of recruitment, Vigeo particularly interested in issues of discrimination and diversity.
Sophie Thiery we said: "We assess the tools HR uses to its recruitment, especially in the selection of CVs. We are also interested in the types of contracts with recruitment agencies. Our ambition is to decrypt the entire process: expression of need by manager ("I need a secretary" but why "a" secretary?) receipt by the HR (retranslated it an expression of need in nondiscrimination?) receipt by the recruitment agency or agency. Below, we focus on the process of selecting candidates, checking if the criteria used are objective and accurate sorting. If we look at each CV unsuccessful indicated the reasons for the refusal - or not. Finally, we observe if there is a collegial decision-making in the short lists to cancel as much as possible, the weight biases, even unconscious. "
Pascal Bello: "In the area of recruitment, we evaluate three categories of information. The first is for us to analyze: 1. The preconditions of a recruitment fair and objective, that is to say the entity's ability to offer any roughness evaluated on the topic of diversity and thus to carry out its recruitment activities. These criteria relate to the composition of the recruitment teams, the speech carried by the entity itself, participation in working groups referents but also the adoption of charters of engagement. 2. The internal organization and the means used. This is so educational tools used to train actors recruitment, interaction with specialized structures, the validation system selections and overall governance in place to ensure objectivity of the selection and Prevention discrimination. 3. The deployment operated and managed the processing of cases post-recruitment, lessons learned activities and fix the system adopted to further improve the methods of recruitment. "
What methods of investigation in the company?
Thiéry Sophie: "At Vigeo as part of our assessment of the management of recruitment, we meet with the leaders but also operational, HR and recruitment officers. We also wonder stakeholders: employees, representatives, job center, the temporary agency ... "
Pascal Bello:" At BMJ Ratings, we examine the information that can be termed 'official even required by law: social audits, social agreements, training catalogs, internal journal, but also grates annual interviews. That said, we are particularly interested in more qualitative information, "unofficial", in interviews with management, coaching and social partners also through operational visits. "
... Good or bad grade
The rating system is based Vigeo on a scale of 1 to 4:
- 1 for the same company that did not identify any issue,
- 4 for that which refers in its sector.
Each item (eg "Preventing discrimination and promoting equality H / F) is rated according to this principle with each item in the" politics "(itself noted in several sub-criteria : consistency with the official texts, visibility politics ...), the "deployment" of the policy (also with sub-criteria), the "results". General Note Business is the aggregation of all notes. It is confidential. The firm chooses whether to communicate. Vigeo assesses strengths / weaknesses, makes recommendations and supports the implementation of operational action plans.
The scoring system BMJ Ratings based on an assessment level in 10 levels from AAA to DDD, in view of 7 management principles that meet the requirements of CSR. AAA and the following levels are the result of a consolidation of intermediate scores calculated on each item raised in the relevant field. For example in the field recruitment, 5 items are taken into account.
This matrix is filled with signs that add information about the trend of improvement or deterioration anticipated by the analyst:
- "- -" for the company encounter significant difficulties
- "-" for the company that is experiencing difficulties
- "stable"
- "+" for the company with the means to evolve
- "+ +" for the undertaking which is given the means to evolve
Discrimination, diversity ... what grade in business?
rating agencies have non-financial performance evaluation tools. On diversity policies, so they are able to tell us what are the companies. Between "can do better" and "encouragement" ...
Pascal Bello: "The emergence of the concepts of CSR, Sustainability or non-financial rating was not the result of an action deliberate and informed human resource managers (...) Should be seen as a lack of clarity or a conscious refusal to change its habits and its operation projects already identified and planned? But I think it is urgent for companies today to take up the subject. "
Sophie Thiery: "Where there is a legal risk, or image, companies have progressed. But there is still much to do beyond the HR departments of the seats, especially in subsidiaries and in respect of managers who are not trained in diversity .
HRM Why should it integrate extra-financial rating?
Pascal Bello: "Many opportunities for a new conquest of legitimacy for action within the company are offered to the Human Resources departments through social rating. Men and Women in business are and will remain a key determinant of their performance and success. "
Sophie Thiery "clarify and make visible commitments, priorities, monitor and report on its activities, the demands of social rating that can enhance the action of the HRD internally, particularly in the context of social dialogue and externally (attractiveness of the business). "
Learn more about BMJ Ratings and Vigeo
Sophie Thiery, Director Enterprise Vigeo www.vigeo.com
Vigeo, created in 2002 by Nicole Notat , consists of two departments, Rating Vigeo making the investment aid for investors, and that Vigeo Enterprise provides organizations with a service management support.
Values: Professionalism, Commitment and Innovation
Employees: 75 people, 30 full-time analysts
Vigeo has offices in France, Belgium, Italy, Morocco, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Japan, Singapore ...
Pascal Bello, Managing Director BMJ Ratings www.bmjratings.com
BMJ Ratings, created in 1993 by Pascal Bello, evaluates companies on their social and environmental performance. BMJ Ratings offers specialized evaluation models for companies (DEEPP Model ®), local (Urbi Valor ®), foundations and associations (MEG ®), higher education institutions (ACADIX ®), Financial corporations (GAM ®) and Global Value Model © which allows " assess the contribution of non-financial criteria to the economic performance of the enterprise "(source Orse).
Values: Innovation, Independence and commitment of its shareholder
Staff: 20 persons, 15 full-time analysts
missions conducted in over 50 countries on all continents
Go further:
- www.orse.org (Observatory on Corporate Social Responsibility) has several guides and downloadable forms on its website.
- A complete presentation of the non-financial rating on Novethic
- "Flying a responsible development" Olivier Dubigeon Pearson - Global Village Opportunities for a sustainable development policy. Twenty data records key points related to the process.
- "Business Green" Elisabeth Laville Pearson - Global Village An inventory of the progress of sustainable development with many cases of companies in France and abroad.
- "What sustainable development means" Genevieve Ferone, Dominique Debas, Guy Hervier Publishing Organizations A complete inventory of actual cases through the eyes of recognized experts.
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