Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Did Newton Affect

Should we forget the past to provide a future? There

The subject of the literary series this year: an excellent (simple and complex) subject to which every manager should look!
Thesis: not because we capitalize and draw lessons from the past, elements essential to progress effectively towards a shared goal
Antithesis: yes, let's forget the past and adds that binds us lead soles for running ... ups, start-up spin faster and stronger than large organizations (this is especially true in areas of new technology markets)
Synthesis: Past and future are obviously inseparable. Imagination (innovation) has its source in the roots of the past, Past lessons are also part of the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act of quality assurance signed by Deming)

AND everything is a matter of balance: the right knowledge leads to increased access to a useful operational and to win its future: it is the art of knowledge management and the day before.

The group organizes Serda with the Sorbonne, a symposium on the topic labeled: limit orders and limit désorde of September 23 next afternoon ( and www. ). See videos of the last conference.
Jerome Bondu, friend and partner, also helps to meet with a great quality to this question at


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