For over a year, the draft standards of ISO 30300 series of the headlines. The records management system (MSR) is in the subject. This series of new standards will she replace the standard ISO 15489 which was published in 2001 in English and French in 2002 or will it supplement?
Even before the vote, he agreed that the subcommittee 11 of Technical Committee 46 clarifies the situation: it's done at the last meeting held in the Republic of Korea .
The first two standards will soon be submitted to a vote. These principles and vocabulary for the first (ISO / DIS 30300) and Requirements the second (ISO / DIS 30301).
How is articulated in practice the series of ISO / DIS 30300, ISO 15489 and ISO 9000 series, 14000, etc.. ?
The novelty is that this new series is linked to series of standards management as well as ISO 9000 (quality management), 14000 (environmental management), 27000 (security information) or 22000 (food safety). It is aimed primarily at policy makers and management such as quality.
first concerns the organization and the second the object of records management: the record and associated processes. The latter relates more naturally records management practitioners.
Records: legal evidence or evidence of activities, or both?
This new series also expands the scope of records management stating that the records consist of information that go beyond mere documentary evidence to become justiciable information evidence, ie not modifiable and complete that were created in the course of normal activity of an organization. This course also includes the proofs justiciable.
Will I be able to certify my system of records management in my company?
With the new status of the series of ISO / DIS 3030X, an organization may be actually certified. Much an organization can be certified under the ISO standard number 15489, as she may be under these new standards, provided that national bodies can offer certification services in this area.
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