Thursday, December 16, 2010

How To Build A Horizontal Surfboard Rack

What in 2012?

On December 10, Cegid HR Forum held its motto as "Outlook 2012". Prospects under the banner of innovation for a changing HR function, as evidenced by the guests of the roundtable organized for the occasion.

" 2012 is a moment that we hope to be a crisis, a restart says Lawrence Choain, HRD at Mazars. With the crisis, we have forgotten the key topics of our conferences there are two or three years: Talent Management, Generation Y ... But with the recovery, the economic and organizational is also a new face to which HR professionals will have to adapt. " We are not in a situation of change, but perpetual motion," says Norbert and Alter, Professor of Sociology at Dauphine. He said the change is the transition from one stable state to another stable state, where the movement responds to a situation of perpetual dynamic. Dynamics that employees must take ownership. How? " By taking the time to know what you do and where we are " says the sociologist. It advises to make assessments and to consider the maturity level of learning the business side of technology, the face of cultural learning, the changing structures of the organization ... He summarizes: " Thinking that only the speed of processing account, one might forget the most important imperatives: loyalty, develop loyalty to the various partners, creating social ties . , "Play
Isabelle Calvez, HR group at Groupama, said:" Take the time to listen, to audit staff . "On this point, Groupama probe its employees every two years and is a true barometer to build its HR policy. " Employees have a lot of expectations on Social Responsibility (CSR), the local management, sustainability of the commitment or the quality of work life ," said the HRD.
On the issue of attracting talent, Accenture faces a special situation: "How attract and retain our staff for their daily workplace is not our business but that of the client? "asks Isabelle Lamothe, director of Development and prospective HR at Accenture. The group chose to focus on projects that offer more than the company itself. To do this, Accenture has launched a device for presenting its business at its future recruits. " We have a camcorder to provide our consultants. Those who wished could make in 5 minutes and their business consultant , "says Isabelle Lamothe. Initiatives that also reflect the emergence, over the past few years, a new approach to HR communication, less institutional, more collaborative and closer to everyday life employees.
Introducing the unexpected
the image of this approach, the HR of the future will play flexibility, inventiveness, and more importantly, innovation to follow. " But today, companies multiply inventions forgetting too often innovation " advance Norbert Alter, who said " the invention is the creation of something new, when Innovation is the ability to use the invention . "Innovation takes to defy certain rules and procedures, to introduce the unexpected. " Faced with this situation, managers are torn between the laissez-faire and the strengthening of legalism ," says the sociologist. " If people are sitting on a very broad administrative base for setting in motion, remove the rock on which they sit " image Lionel Prud'homme, former vice president of human resources ( EMEA) at Carlson Wagonlit Travel. If we accept this position, which then characterizes the HR profession, " this is not the ability to mobilize, but the take part, receive what employees want to give the company , "said Norbert Alter. And again: " No organization could operate if employees were just following the rules. Organizations operate by what the employees give more than what is specified in the definition of the position . "
humility, courage and curiosity
Decidedly in 2012, HRD will have to play the card of humility. Lawrence Choain attests: "In Mazars, HR departments are divided exploded. The temptation to say that we have innate knowledge level group and invent centralized processes that we will spread everywhere is great. But that it does not work anywhere. We need solidarity practices, creating learning organizations, pooling and sharing local good practice . "
In his play, the DRH should also count cards at the audacity and curiosity. "We must dare and afford, in a world where everything is framed, prohibited , takes Isabelle Lamothe. It happens a lot elsewhere. Here in India, they have invented everything on the job. Ideas that emerge are amazing. We must look elsewhere, where it is going . "
Not to mention the map of creativity:" The HR function will have to reinvent themselves and work on the affinities of each individual " Lionel note Prud'homme. And Norbert Alter concluded: " must control the movement. This is not because there is need to submit. There is something that is about ethics not to lose sight of the HR . "
Brice Ancelin
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